Saturday, April 4, 2009


References:Lecture Note

•As the number and complexity of projects continue to grow, it is becoming even more important to practice good project management.
•A project has several attributes, such as being unique, temporary and developed incrementally.
•A framework for project management includes project stakeholders, the nine knowledge areas, tools and techniques, and creating project portfolios to ensure enterprise success.
•Successful project managers must possess and development many skills and lead their teams by example.
•The project management profession continues to mature as more people become certified and more tools are created.

Importance of Leadership Skills

References:Lecture Note

•Effective project managers provide leadership by example.
•A leader focuses on long-term goals and big-picture objectives while inspiring people to reach those goals.
•A manager deals with the day-to-day details of meeting specific goals.
•Project managers often take on both leader and manager roles.

Most Significant Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Project Managers

References:Lecture Note

Effective Project Managers

  • Leadership by example
  • Visionary
  • Technically competent
  • Decisive
  • Good communicator
  • Good motivator
  • Stands up to upper management when necessary
  • Supports team members
  • Encourages new ideas

Ineffective Project Managers

  • Sets bad example
  • Not self-assured
  • Lacks technical expertise
  • Poor communicator
  • Poor motivator

Media Snapshot – Good Project Management Skills from The Apprentice

•Leadership and professionalism are crucial.
•Know what your sponsor expects from the project, and learn from your mistakes.
•Trust your team and delegate decisions.
•Know the business.
•Stand up for yourself.

•Be a team player.
•Stay organized and don’t be overly emotional.
•Work on projects and for people you believe in.
•Think outside the box.
•There is some luck involved in project management, and you should always aim high.

Suggested Skills for Project Managers

References: Lecture Note

•Project managers need a wide variety of skills.
•They should:
–Be comfortable with change.
–Understand the organizations they work in and with.
–Lead teams to accomplish project goals.

•Project managers need both “hard” and “soft” skills.
–Hard skills include product knowledge and knowing how to use various project management tools and techniques.
–Soft skills include being able to work with various types of people.

•Communication skills: Listens, persuades.
•Organizational skills: Plans, sets goals, analyzes.
•Team-building skills: Shows empathy, motivates, promotes esprit de corps.
•Leadership skills: Sets examples, provides vision (big picture), delegates, positive, energetic.
•Coping skills: Flexible, creative, patient, persistent.
•Technology skills: Experience, project knowledge.

Fifteen Project Management Job Functions*

References: Lecture Note
•Define scope of project.
•Identify stakeholders, decision-makers, and escalation procedures.
•Develop detailed task list (work breakdown structures).
•Estimate time requirements.
•Develop initial project management flow chart.
•Identify required resources and budget.

•Evaluate project requirements.
•Identify and evaluate risks.
•Prepare contingency plan.
•Identify interdependencies.
•Identify and track critical milestones.
•Participate in project phase review.
•Secure needed resources.
•Manage the change control process.
•Report project status.

*Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies, “Building a Foundation for Tomorrow: Skills Standards for Information Technology,” Belleview, WA, 1999.

The Role of the Project Manager

References:Lecture note

•Job descriptions vary, but most include responsibilities such as planning, scheduling, coordinating, and working with people to achieve project goals.
•Remember that 97 percent of successful projects were led by experienced project managers.